Efficient support for mental health in the workplace.

Wellnite provides companies with affordable, top-tier, readily available mental healthcare tailored to the needs of each and every employee.

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Care for all, all in one place.

In-app coach chats, video therapy and psychiatry
sessions, and tailored self-guided resources–all from
the privacy of a smartphone.


Comprehensive support for all your
employees' difficulties.


Instant emotional assistance for
employees, 24/7.


Available in all 50 states for
your workforce.

Our specialized approach

Wellnite simplifies access to tailored care for all members with substance use concerns, addressing a continuum of needs from mild to severe, including crisis and sobriety inquiries.

mental healthcare.

Optimal employee experiences begin with superior data. Our approach harnesses\data's potency, streamlining care delivery and eliminating traditional trial-and-error. data's
potency, streamlining care delivery and eliminating traditional trial-and-error.